Make Your Brand Name Work For You
Choosing a name can be difficult, especially if it’s your first business and you’re not entirely sure of your target audience. It’s always a good idea to bring in marketing professionals who can help you come up with a name that aligns with your mission, helps explain your products and services, and emphasizes why your brand is different.
Do You Need a Rebrand? 5 Ways to Know It’s Time
As a small business owner deciding whether or not to rebrand, you should consider these factors before you update your logo and brand identity.
The Importance of Having Fun in Your Business
Being uptight and buttoned down may be what most people think about often when running a business, but it doesn’t have to be. Rigidity can actually kill your business. When you don’t allow your business the space for spontaneity, you dramatically limit its possibilities. Not sure how to have more fun in your business? Let’s show you how.