Make Your Brand Name Work For You
Choosing a name can be difficult, especially if it’s your first business and you’re not entirely sure of your target audience. It’s always a good idea to bring in marketing professionals who can help you come up with a name that aligns with your mission, helps explain your products and services, and emphasizes why your brand is different.
How to Build a Small Business Marketing Plan
For those feeling overwhelmed, we’ve created a guide to help you craft a marketing plan that works for your small business in a few easy steps.
How to Upgrade Your Business to Align with Your Values
Think of this like a cheat sheet for creating your game plan for greater focus, fulfillment, and impact as a business owner!
How To Serve LGBTQ+ Clients As A Service-Based Business
Given that it is Pride month, we want to share three practical tips for ensuring your small business can put real, impactful action behind your desire to be inclusive and serve LGBTQ+ clients.
Do You Need a Rebrand? 5 Ways to Know It’s Time
As a small business owner deciding whether or not to rebrand, you should consider these factors before you update your logo and brand identity.
The Importance of Having Fun in Your Business
Being uptight and buttoned down may be what most people think about often when running a business, but it doesn’t have to be. Rigidity can actually kill your business. When you don’t allow your business the space for spontaneity, you dramatically limit its possibilities. Not sure how to have more fun in your business? Let’s show you how.
Fear of Failure is Holding You Back in Your Business. Here’s How to Fix It.
Failure honestly needs a rebrand. It’s gotten a bad reputation for being the scary thing you don’t want to have happen to you. But the truth is if you live long enough and if you have a healthy relationship with risk, eventually it’s a game of diminishing returns — you will fail. That doesn’t take the sting out of it but it doesn’t have to be a terrifying thought. Instead, try and see failure through a different lens.
Four Ways to Build A Magically Effective Business Team
When you’re so busy managing the details of your business it can be easy to forget to manage your people; not just what they’re working on but how they work with each other. To get the best out of your team, you’ve got to actually know them and build a workplace environment that helps them grow.
How to Build a Culture of Rest in Your Business
Rest isn’t just sleep but creative, mental, and spiritual. You may not be able to provide for all of those but you can begin to create the space necessary for your team to feel like they can rest. Here are three ways you can begin to do that today.
Brand Tone and Voice: Why You Need a Guide
The tone and voice you use in the writing associated with your business is as much a part of your brand as your logo. It helps set you apart and contributes to your overall personality.
How Should You Approach Color Contrast in Making Your Brand Accessible?
A significant area of your brand’s marketing is use of color—whether in your logo, website, product packaging, or content. One of the most common areas that we encounter a lack of accessibility is with branding and color. To understand color contrast in your brand requires you to assess potential blindspots.
Why You Should Stop Overusing Brand Words Like “Authentic”
Over the past several years, the term authentic has become a highly popular catchphrase used to define one’s brand. At VVITCH, we can understand why! Every business wants to appear authentic in how they market their business services or products. However, it is time to unpack the catchphrase and whether its use serves the purpose you intend.
Does Your 2021 Visual Branding Cover These 4 Must-Haves?
With this new year reaching the end of its first quarter, so much has changed since top-of-the-year 2020 — most notably, what brands and businesses need out of their visual branding. Customers and audiences are looking for different things from your business compared to that which peaked their interests and needs a year ago. There are a few things that VVITCH knows will be non-negotiable in the year ahead.
8 Ways to Improve Your Biz (That Don’t Include Social Media)
Spending our days and energy hoping to drum up interest on social media simply isn’t always the best use of our time as business owners. There are so many components to running a successful business. So let’s dive into a few other places to focus your energy that might just have a bigger impact than time spent on the ‘gram.
How to Shift Your Brand Visuals for the Holidays
The holidays are rapidly approaching! What will they look like during these unprecedented times? We’re curious to experience it, too, and imagine that there will be a deep adjustment to how customers engage this holiday season. How can you prepare your brand for the holidays? One suggestion we have is to shift your brand visuals.