Make Your Brand Name Work For You
Choosing a name can be difficult, especially if it’s your first business and you’re not entirely sure of your target audience. It’s always a good idea to bring in marketing professionals who can help you come up with a name that aligns with your mission, helps explain your products and services, and emphasizes why your brand is different.
How to Use AI Effectively & Ethically for Your Business
The role of artificial intelligence in our daily lives is already starting to have significant, and sometimes terrifying, implications for how we do our jobs and go about our daily lives.
Do You Need a Rebrand? 5 Ways to Know It’s Time
As a small business owner deciding whether or not to rebrand, you should consider these factors before you update your logo and brand identity.
6 Tips & Tools for Social Media Growth
Here are 6 tips and tools for making an impact on social media— from your social media content strategy to scheduling and tracking your performance.
6 Tools to Simplify Your Branding & Design
This month we’re bringing you the first of many tools you can use with your small business. Every small business has a brand and it’s important how you visually represent your brand in your industry and with your target audience.
3 Things Graphic Designers Think About That You Don’t
Graphic designers apply their skills and visual creativity to help your business tell great stories about your brand, services, and the values you hold. It’s no surprise that graphic designers can see things you might not or think beyond the visual you have in mind for what will have a long-term impact for your brand.