6 Tools to Simplify Your Branding & Design
This month we’re bringing you the first of many tools you can use with your small business. Every small business has a brand and it’s important how you visually represent your brand in your industry and with your target audience.
3 Things Graphic Designers Think About That You Don’t
Graphic designers apply their skills and visual creativity to help your business tell great stories about your brand, services, and the values you hold. It’s no surprise that graphic designers can see things you might not or think beyond the visual you have in mind for what will have a long-term impact for your brand.
How Should You Approach Color Contrast in Making Your Brand Accessible?
A significant area of your brand’s marketing is use of color—whether in your logo, website, product packaging, or content. One of the most common areas that we encounter a lack of accessibility is with branding and color. To understand color contrast in your brand requires you to assess potential blindspots.
How to Shift Your Brand Visuals for the Holidays
The holidays are rapidly approaching! What will they look like during these unprecedented times? We’re curious to experience it, too, and imagine that there will be a deep adjustment to how customers engage this holiday season. How can you prepare your brand for the holidays? One suggestion we have is to shift your brand visuals.